Growing With Proficiency The Podcast
Welcome to Growing With Proficiency: The Podcast! Are you a World Language teacher who is looking for ideas, strategies, activities, and inspiration to create a World Language class where you and your students enjoy using the language to learn about the world and each other? Do you want to transform your class into an acquisition-driven instruction space where you intentionally provide a ton of comprehensible input?
If you are, you're in the right place.
Let's start this journey together. Head over to IG, and send me a DM @claudiamelliott to let me know what topics you would like me to cover in an upcoming episode.Join my free Facebook community, Growing With C. Also, check out my blog to start discovering some of these ideas and strategies at
Growing With Proficiency The Podcast
Episodio 116: Cómo Integrar Eventos Actuales, Temas Globales y Conversaciones Personales en Clase con Charlas del Calendario
En este episodio, Claudia explora cómo las charlas del calendario van más allá de discutir el clima y la fecha.
Aprende a crear discusiones orgánicas y significativas en el idioma meta, abordando la vida de los estudiantes, eventos comunitarios y asuntos globales.
Descubre los beneficios de las charlas del calendario para fomentar la curiosidad, proporcionar input comprensible y promover la comunicación auténtica. Claudia comparte estrategias para implementar estas charlas en varios niveles de español, asegurando que sean relevantes y comprensibles.
Growing With Proficiency TPT Store
Teacher Guide: How to Shift to A Comprehensible and Communicative Teaching Approach
Growing With Proficiency The Blog
Growing With Proficiency The Spanish Teacher Academy Waitlist
Free FB Community: Growing With CI
Join the Growing With Proficiency Spanish Teacher Academy! 🎉 Transform your Spanish classroom with a comprehensive, engaging curriculum, a comprehensive hub with more than 80 classes with practical strategies to build an acquisition-based class, and more. 🚀 Gain access to training, resources, and a supportive community of educators passionate about language acquisition.
👉 Sign up today at growingwithproficie