Growing With Proficiency The Podcast

Episode 102: Storylistening in the Classroom with Margarita Pérez-García

Claudia Elliott, World Language educator

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Imagine having your students acquire 0.20 words per minute! That’s 1,200 words per 100 hours of instruction. 🤯 When Margarita Pérez-García heard from Dr. Beniko Mason that there is a Second Language Acquisition methodology that can accomplish that, she was on a mission to bring this methodology to her classroom.

This methodology is “Story Listening.” What makes Story Listening different from other Comprehensible-Based methodologies? Story Listening focuses on providing a plethora of comprehensible, or as Margarita would say, potentially comprehensible input to the students. 

Story Listening is a multimodal approach, incorporating auditory input delivered by the teacher and written input through Guided Self-Selected Reading.

In this episode, you’ll be part of a Master Class about Story Listening. Margarita will dive into the following aspects:

  • What is Story Listening?
  • Why is Story Listening a method to provide OPTIMAL input?
  • What are the steps to Story Listening?
  • What are the most common obstacles when a teacher is trying to incorporate this methodology in their classroom?
  • How to overcome these obstacles.

I highly recommend you listen to this episode more than once and, at some point, sit down and take notes. It’s that good.

Grab your favorite drink, hit play, and happy listening!


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FREE LIVE CLASS: Discover the 5 Step Framework to Design the Perfect Back To School Lesson

Margarita Pérez-García: Masterclass and more

Dr. Beniko Mason Website

Story Listening Site

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